July 2, 2012

(a side note)

the real note is down below --  i advise you read that before you read this

after examining that curious "Stats" page, i discovered a few things:
  1. it shows the top 10 countries for traffic
  2. my numbers in the real note (see below) are all wrong (oop)
  3. there are browsers that have never crossed my brain before. (Playbook has a browser?)
i hope wherever you are there is pretty weather

do you like this brain??

hello plushies,
today i logged in to the blooblargh and was astounded to find 1,411 total pageviews. 
google happily tells me i have views from 10 different countries all over the planet, 8 different browsers, and 8 different operating systems. (ooh. numbers.)
all the referring URLs are from google, and all are for "Keep Calm and Whip Yo' Hair."
i find this rather amusing. i am also slightly perplexed. wouldn't google direct you kindly folks to the original sources of these pictures?

i start to wonder if any of you actually read the blog. if you do, would you leave a comment so i know you've visited me? 

it's flattering to think that people would like to visit the strange whims of my brain. it's like sometimes there is a brightly colored goop that plops out of my mind onto the (intangible) page. 



April 8, 2012

Keep Calm and Do Weird Things


Wouldn't it be better just to keep calm?